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FDA Experts Say "Take Children's Meds Off the Market"

Last month a panel of FDA advisers voted in favour of a proposal that children under the age of 6 should not be given cold and cough medicines, because they have not been proven to be effective or safe. The experts advice will now be considered by FDA regulators, who are likely to take action against these type of over the counter products.

One person who was delighted with the decision was Dr. Michael Shannon, pediatrician with Children's Hospital Boston and professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical: "I think they are neither safe nor effective," "The problem is the risk-benefit ratio," he said.The benefits are non-existant "These drugs are not effective. They do not work to relieve the symptoms of a cold." Meanwhile the risks are real, more than 500 million doses are administered annually and the two primary problems are overdosing and ill effects from mixing different medications.

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