Spiritual Intuitive and Life Coach
Jack Stephens
Jack Stephens is a Spiritual Intuitive and Life Coach, who has the ability to see and read energy, supporting you to Be Who You Are. His experience and knowledge in cross-cultural healing, economics, ecology and psychology are combined as an advanced positive transformation opportunity.
Jack offers local and remote private sessions as well as leading intensives and workshops. In his Spirit of Leadership and Awakening Relationships programs he shows you how to recreate your reality as abundant and compassionate. In his private group teaching, Jack trains organizations and groups to increase their leadership capacity and creates experiences that enhance the way they advance the opportunities of society and nature in the 21st century.
- Jack Stephens
jack@jackstephens.net - 805-850-9751
- www.jackstephens.net
“I struggle when I try to describe my experience with Jack because it was interactive, transforming, and life altering. I felt transformation deeply in my soul – healing both mental thought processes and issues held in the cells of my body. I have been functioning from a higher level of clarity ever since. ” Suz A., Eugene, Oregon
Since the late 1980s, Jack Stephens has undertaken vast exploration and experiential study in the alternative and complementary healing arts, as well as business, management, applied ecology and multi-cultural leadership. The years of study have culminated in his professional practice as a spiritual intuitive and life coach. In private sessions, Jack is able to reflect to you where there are blocks and limitations to the full expression of who you are, and supports you in reconnecting to your full potential. During intensives and workshops, Jack provides individual attention as he guides people to clear trauma, increase their capacity and open to their gifts fully.
Learning from masters of the spirit of leadership, both men and women, and opening to the divine wisdom available to all, Jack has acquired a unique understanding of leadership, relationships and healing. His approach is gentle and strong, clear and compassionate. He advocates for women leaders of the world and he offers specific support to men who desire to be in full partnership with women. Drawing deeply from the examples of nature, he helps you to recognize the opportunities that are available when you take responsibility for who you are without limitation.
“When working with Jack one on one last week, I felt initially that during our session I would receive clear, cut and dry answers to questions of my life’s direction. What I took away from that meeting, however, was something much more meaningful and transformative: A “consciousness tool kit” that not only would help me with what I am facing currently, but with any situation I may encounter. Within the next few days, I completely let go of worry about decisions I felt I had to make soon, and instead began to focus on being present, recognizing and confronting my ego, and taking full responsibility for my life and relationships. Out of that inner work has come very clear signs and answers…exciting changes that my gut and heart will not allow me to question! Thank you so very much!” – Justin H., Ojai, California