featured healer
Lola Jones and Divine Openings
Lola Jones work was already international, and she was free to live and work anywhere. Ojai, with it's natural beauty, near the ocean, and its many horse riding trails delighted her and her Arabians, and it was close to L.A. for her partner Russell Martin's film making work. They began a new chapter of life here, knowing no one. After two months they're already making friends, and love it here.
Lola's work, Divine Openings, gained international acclaim, quietly spreading to over 100 countries by word of mouth and on the internet, quite simply because it works. Rather than processing and working on yourself one issue at a time, Divine Openings impacts your whole life globally and rapidly, causing many people to say, "I don't even recognize my life from a year ago, and it wasn't hard work!" Issues fade away and limitations dissolve as your "pipes are opened." Life moves beyond endless issues, incessant healing, and solving problems.
Most people begin Divine Openings through Lola's book, Things Are Going Great In My Absence: How To Let Go And Let The Divine Do The Heavy Lifting, and by taking the multi-media-rich online retreats at www.DivineOpenings.com.
After people have read the book, Lola will give 1 on 1 sessions in person or by phone. For most people, three sessions changes their lives dramatically and permanently. One woman got happy, landed the resistant man of her dreams and now doesn't need to work, her entire circle transformed due to her new radiance, and she's living happily ever after. She was a realtor, but is now being sought out as a coach and spiritual counselor because her friends saw the changes and "want some of what she has."
People come from all over the world to the 5 Day Silent Retreats, where, without talking, revealing private details, or processing, enlightenment is initiated, blissful states are attained, and stunning results are experienced immediately. It continues to expand once people go home: in relationships, finances, careers, inner peace, security, quieter mind, hearts desires fulfilled, and in every area of life. Profound physical headings occur as well. The 5 Day Retreat in Ojai February 7-11, 2012 is already registering, and fills rapidly.
All details are at www.DivineOpenings.com
The book: www.DivineOpenings.com/books
The retreats: www.DivineOpenings.com/5-day
The online retreats: www.DivineOpenings.com/courses